Hello O_O,

I came to a different conclusion and exited RGL:


This phrase alone from their 12th March RNS makes it currently uninvestable in my opinion "If an equity issue does occur, Regional REIT expects it to be at a material discount to the current share price."

Once the £50m bond is refinanced I intend to revisit RGL but not before.


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Hey Oak!

Interesting analysis. However, after reading the RNS I thought It was poorly worded and could see why the share price went in for a drop.

I remember watching it at 13p, and if I had more money, would have loved to top up.

The £50m bond is big news and was undoutly priced in the share price.

I always like to buy when I think a stock is over sold and thus had my eye on the whole time. Eve at current prices, it is still cheap and when you compare it to the NAV per share it does look good.

Thanks for the comment !


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